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Shoes I Wore Traveling in Italy – Xero Shoes

Written by: Alexa Lampasona, PR Manager at Xero Shoes Alexa handles media relations and press for Xero Shoes. If you found Xero Shoes in a magazine, online article, TV segment, chances are Alexa made that happen! Alexa lives and breathes Xero Shoes, wearing them for running, hiking, walking the dog, hanging around town (in Boise, where […]

How to Winterproof Your Barefoot Shoes by Anya’s Reviews

Once you experience the freedom of barefoot shoes it’s hard to go back to your old pinchy boots. And even though there are practical barefoot winter boots available, depending on your environment it might not be quite enough.  I myself had a difficult time in extreme cold and ice before I learned a few hacks. […]

Hiking for Health

Want to improve your health AND have fun? Take a hike! Hiking has significant health benefits. Here are just 5: Hiking on rugged trail surfaces is a natural way to engage your core muscles, Burn calories — Hiking on uneven terrain increases the amount of energy used by your body by 28 percent compared to […]